Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29351 - Implantology

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29351 - Implantology
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
4 and 5
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

Theoretical classes. Participatory master class will be used, since this is certainly very appropriate for low cognitive level objectives (such as acquiring information, understanding, etc.). During the exhibition will be encouraged dialogue by asking questions, Problem Based Learning, resolving doubts etc. Thematic exhibitions will be supported by diagrams and illustrations by Power Point presentations. In addition seminars will be held, in the form of theoretical and practical workshops taught by the teacher or invited speakers to deepen topics of special interest.

Practical classes. Composed of a series of activities that combine individual work and cooperative work. Depending on the proposed exercise will take place in the classroom, preclinical classroom or the Dental Clinic. Attendance at practices and the presentation of the portfolio will be mandatory.

Individual and group work. We will look also reinforce autonomous learning, through case work in groups (or individual), within a reciprocal teaching methodology. Group work will include search and literature review, writing and oral presentation in class encouraging reflection.

Tutorials. Devoted to answer questions or provide specific bibliography of a specific topic in relation to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that is offered to the student help him/her achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...




5.3. Syllabus

1: Introduction to Oral Implantology

2: The osseointegration. Soft tissue response around dental implants.

3: Anatomy applied to implantology

4: History. Indications and contraindications of implants. Informed consent.

5: Diagnosis and patient selection

6: Surgical Planning partial and total edentulous patient.

7: Materials in implantology. Concept of biocompatibility.

8: Macroscopic and microscopic design of implants.

9: Surgical field. Instruments and sterilization.

10: Basic Surgical Technique: Phases of treatment. surgical protocols, monitoring and maintenance of postoperative patients.

11: Implants after extraction: indications and contraindications.

12: Treatment of maxillary atrophies and types of grafts and materials. Osteotomies and osteoplasties.

13: Complementary surgical techniques

14: Guided tissue regeneration

15: Aesthetics in implantology. Mucogingival surgery and soft tissue management.

16: Complications in implantology. Criteria for long-term success. Importance of periodic check.

17: Types and designs of implant prosthetics

18: Charging in implantology

19: Computer Guided Surgery

Practical program

I: Exploration and Diagnosis in implantology

II: Diagnosis and treatment planning partial and edentulous.

III: Instruments, equipment and surgical equipment in implantology.

IV: Surgical technique of implants on models.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

The schedule and exam dates are published in:

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

- Periodontología Clínica e Implantología Odontológica. Jan Lindhe. Ed Panamericana. España 2000.
- Implant Dentistry. Weiss ChM y Weiss A. Mosby. St. Louis, Mi 2001
- Factores de riesgo en implantología oral. Franck Renoauard. Quintessence 2000
- Manual de periodoncia y terapéutica de implantes. Fundamentos y guía práctica. SEPA Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Oseointegración. José Javier Echevarría, Juan Blanco Carrión.
- Implantología Oral. Peñarrocha M, ed. Barcelona: Ars Médica. 2001. ISBN: 84-95670-05-4. Reimpresión 2006.

- Implantología contemporánea. Misch CE. 2009. Elsevier. Dental Implants Prosthetics. Misch CE. 2005. Mosby. New York.
- 20 años de Regeneración Ósea Guiada en Implantología Oral. Buser D. 2012. Quintessence. Barcelona.